April 26-28th
Revive Your Spirit – A Journey of Empowerment Retreat

For this very special 10th anniversary retreat we are excited to have Paul Elder as our keynote speaker. Paul is from Saskatchewan and many may remember him as a radio and TV news reporter who went into politics and became the mayor of Swift Current, SK.

During Paul’s lifetime, he had three near-death experiences – a drowning at the age of 12, a car accident at 17, and a heart attack at the age of 41. It was this later incident that opened up a psychic doorway to the spirit world. The experiences that followed turned his belief system upside down, leaving him with some profound insights as to our true nature and purpose in the universe.

He went on to write the book “Eyes of an Angel” that recounts the stunning revelations he learned during those near-death experiences. Paul went on to study and learn more about his near-death and subsequent out-of-body experiences; leading him to become a trainer for the world-renowned Monroe Institute.

His story aligns with our theme “Revive Your Spirit~A Journey to Empowerment” as his experience encourages the importance of truly listening to your intuition and guidance and always striving to live from your heart center, rather than from the head.

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Please review the Informed Consent and Media Release Agreement here.

*All payments to be sent via e-transfer. For other arrangements contact [email protected].

    Informed Consent Agreement
    Media Realease Agreement

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    Dale & Jeanne Hoag, and Annie Anderson

    Your Retreat Hosts

    Your Experience

    Group experiences are led by practitioners with varying healing modalities who guide participants through a journey of inner awareness and ultimately balance of body, mind and spirit.

    Self-healing stations are an added bonus to explore during free time.

    Healthy meals from Friday supper till Sunday lunch are prepared by Jordyn Gueckert of The Shop Catering, Maple Creek. She offers a variety of choices for all dietary needs.

    Retreat Details

    Shared accommodations at The Resort at Cypress Hills, SK offer two- and three-bedroom cabins, townhouses or hotel rooms in the lodge included in the cost.

    The retreat is held is the Cypress Hills Community Hall located across from Lochlevin Lake and just a short walk from the Resort.

    The retreat schedule begins with registration between 2-3:00 on the Friday and concludes at around 4:00pm on Sunday.